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Depression and Anxiety Questionnaire  (PHQ-9 & GAD-7)

Below are a depression and anxiety questionnaire commonly used in the NHS to assess the level/severity of anxiety and depression symptom.    

Feel free to complete the test yourself (I have put a PDF version at the bottom so you may print one off if this is easier).  Remember, this is only a general assessment and if you are worried, you should see advice from your GP.

Depression Scale (PHQ-9)
Anxiety Scale (GAD-7)
What do my results mean?

Remember, only an experienced health professional can give you an accurate diagnosis.  Please use this tool to decide what the best course of action is for you.


Depression Scores:

0-9      Although you may be feeling low, you are not displaying any symptoms seen in depression .  You may find that self-care such as walking, mindfulness, watching your diet, talking to close friends or a therapist may help.  Feelings of low mood can fluctuate.   If you have any concerns, you can contact NHS Direct on  0845 4647or arrange to speak to your GP.

10-18   Moderate.  You are experiencing some symptoms of depression.  You may find that talking to a therapist will help as well as implementing some or all of the self care techniques above.  You may want to discuss your symptoms with a GP

18-24   Severe.  You are experiencing symptoms seen in depression.  It is time to talk to you GP.  He or she may suggest some anti-depressents to help get your mood under control.  You may benefit from therapy once your symptoms have stabilised.


Anxiety Scores:

0:          Based on your responses you are not experiencing many of the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety levels can fluctuate so come back and retake the test if you’re feeling differently.


1-5:       You are experiencing some mild symptoms seen in anxiety. Feeling anxious or worried from time to time is perfectly normal. However, if you begin to have trouble controlling your anxiety it could be time to take action.  Self care, and talking therapy could help. 


6-10:     You are experiencing some moderate symptoms seen in anxiety. Feeling anxious or worried from time to time is perfectly normal but if it’s starting to affect your daily life, it’s time to take action. You may want to consider seeing your GP if you feel this is affecting your life and talking to a therapist can help alleviate symptoms. 


11-21:    You are experiencing many symptoms seen in anxiety. This is probably having a big impact on your daily life and you may also be experiencing physical symptoms. It's time to make an appointment with your GP to discuss how you’re feeling. There are talking therapies that can help.


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