artwork ©secretunicorn art
Sometimes life is hard and you feel you've made mistakes
Forgive yourself.
Sometimes you feel you deserve all that life throws at you
Be gentle with yourself.
Sometimes it's hard to see anything other than the world inside your mind
Give of yourself.
Sometimes you feel so angry and hateful inside
Be kind to yourself.
Sometimes, even the smallest step forward seems too much or insignificant
Praise yourself for what you have achieved.
Sometimes you feel you can't cope and the world is against you
Be sympathetic to yourself and those around you.
Sometimes people are insensitive and sometimes you are too
Be tolerant of your own mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Sometimes you just wish it would be better
Understand yourself.
Sometimes you just want the world to wrap you up in its arms and take the pain away
Love yourself - sometimes this the hardest and most important of all.
Artwork by Secretunicorn art. Check out her other amazing pieces here: